after several attempts I was not able to install Shank.I've download the bin and .deb (for 64bit architecture) files. The bin shows this message on launch: "No such file or directory". The Deb not installed correctly. If someone managed to find a solution or workaround to install this game I hope will help me too. Thanks for your time and support.
I've found a solution: by installing the deb for 32 bit I realized I was missing some libraries (in addition to ia32-libs and libc6). I first solved this problem by giving this command:
sudo apt-get install -f
.Then I got another error:
Message: SDL_GL_LoadLibrary Error: Failed loading
Obviously, these libraries were properly installed. Without going into details I had to link the libraries by hand. I realized then that could also an easier solution through Synaptic install the following packages:
.After that the next problem was the black screen while playing, which I solved by replacing the executable in
with this: hope it will be useful to someone. If you need more help or more details please feel free to contact me.