My wifi router is sending at both 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz ranges. I want to connect to a 2,4 GHz WiFi. However my Ubu 20.04 box always connects to a 5 GHz channel under the common SSID.
I can sudo iwlist frequency
and see that channels 1 to 13 work under 2,4 GHz.
I can nmcli -f ssid,bssid dev wifi
to find out the BSSID of the wifi networks available, but i cannot associate BSSID's with the 2,4 GHz channels seen above.
At the end I want to connect to a specific SSID by doing nmcli d wifi connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Even better would be to setup my pc to always connect to any network under 2,4 GHz.
Any idea how to achieve that?
Thx a lot!
Using ubuntu 20.04.
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