I am running Ubuntu 20.04 on a laptop and have an external monitor connected. They have different resolutions and dimensions. When I change the fractional scale of the external monitor (screen 2), the sizes of everything in screen 1 changes as well. Why does this happen?
I would like screen 1 to remain as it is and change only screen 2 (arima 27")
I have also tried running the --scale command and it affects both my screens as well.
xrandr --listmonitors
Monitors: 2
0: +*eDP-1-1 2560/381x1440/214+0+0 eDP-1-1
1: +HDMI-0 1920/600x1080/330+2560+0 HDMI-0
xrandr --output HDMI-0 --scale 1.2x1.2
This is a known problem of using scaling on Xorg, but you cannot switch to Wayland because you are using Nvidia drivers.
Try the solution mentioned here: https://www.lguruprasad.in/blog/2020/01/13/how-to-get-a-dual-monitor-setup-with-mixed-dpi-working-on-xorg/
The trick is to apply some sort of ‘upscale’ to the lower resolution monitor.