Inspired from this topic I dare ask this probably impossible question:
I have 4 different users on my Ubuntu-MATE 21.04 machine. Sometimes it would be nice to see user2 on the display of user1, either in a Window (some sort of exported X-Window, rlogin,...) or even better, one of those 4 Workspace Panels:
So like Panel 1-3 for user 1, Panel 4 for user 2.
(I am aware that I can do sudo - …
, rlogin
, ssh
on the command line to run certain commands as another user, but now+then I would truly need that other use with the actual GUI...)
If there is a solution, perhaps it is in the world of export DISPLAY=:0.0 NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
or in this answer. Perhaps exporting is easy and I just need a rather dumb X-Display client? As you can tell, I have very little clue around Displays, XServer and Exports.
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