Give the password, and it will install. You can also install the .deb file by double-clicking it to open it for installation in the Ubuntu Software Center.
SparkyLinux has a great repository with many apps available. At the time of this writing, you can use their repository to get automatic updates of TeamViewer with apt.
You can download the .DEB file from Teamviewer website. Once the download is finished, double click on the file will open ubuntu software center and you will be able to install it from there.
Just got TeamViewer 7.0.9350 to install on 64-bit Kubuntu 12.04. Saw at least one bug report and forum discussion where many people seem to be troubled by difficulties in doing so:
I must say it was not as easy as with 32-bit Kubuntu 10.10 where just downloading a Debian package from and installing it was enough. I was also bothered by error messages such as the following in the first attempt:
Package libc6-i386 is not installed.
The trick was to:
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the Canonical partner line:
Finally, the Debian package could be installed as usual by running "dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb". Note that all the commands mentioned above need super-user privileges.
Install the "32-Bit / 64-Bit Multiarch" version. It works on my system flawlessly. Do not install the 64bit only version.
After installing it, to install any extra dependencies, run this command in a terminal
After installation has completed, go to terminal and type teamviewer without Sudo user and it will open up Teaviewer GUI.
See page TeamViewer 9.x, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.x, 3.x, 2.x and 1.x (a download page). Get the .deb file from there and install it with:
Give the password, and it will install. You can also install the .deb file by double-clicking it to open it for installation in the Ubuntu Software Center.
SparkyLinux has a great repository with many apps available. At the time of this writing, you can use their repository to get automatic updates of TeamViewer with apt.
Open a terminal and enter this.
All credits go to SparkyLinux for being Awesome.
I use Ubuntu 14.10.
I was unable to install teamviewer_amd64.deb using any suggested methods.
However, I successfully installed Teamviewer using teamviewer_i386.deb. libjpeg62:i386 is needed as dependency.
You can download the .DEB file from Teamviewer website. Once the download is finished, double click on the file will open ubuntu software center and you will be able to install it from there.
Although they made a "deb" installable package, it seems not to work if you don't have wine installed.
1) Install Wine.
2) Go to their website and download the installer for your computer archicteture (32 or 64 bits).
3) Make the downloaded file executable. Then double click it.
If you are feeling lazy, just paste this at terminal and I will do all above for you:
Just got TeamViewer 7.0.9350 to install on 64-bit Kubuntu 12.04. Saw at least one bug report and forum discussion where many people seem to be troubled by difficulties in doing so:
I must say it was not as easy as with 32-bit Kubuntu 10.10 where just downloading a Debian package from and installing it was enough. I was also bothered by error messages such as the following in the first attempt:
Package libc6-i386 is not installed.
The trick was to:
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the Canonical partner line:
deb precise partner
Run "apt-get update".
Run "apt-get -f install".
Finally, the Debian package could be installed as usual by running "dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb". Note that all the commands mentioned above need super-user privileges.