I started writing a script to toggle some options to boost performance in Gnome 3 or 4 for gaming and more. The first option that came into my mind was to toggle the animations. But I couldn't find any more options to play with.
TOGGLE=$HOME/.toggle #You can change the location of this variable
if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
touch $TOGGLE
#Activate Boost
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations false
#Deactivate Boost
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations true
I came here to ask if you have any suggestions for commands to include in the script. I have some more ideas that could be added, but I didn't include them because they're so specific for my computer like extensions, for instance:
gnome-extensions enable [email protected]
gnome-extensions disable [email protected]
Edit 1: I forgot to mention that the purpose of the boost is to save as much RAM and CPU as possible to perform high resource consuming tasks. Thus, closing background processes like GNOME Software help a lot.
pkill gnome-software
Edit 2: If you're interested in including the toggle extensions commands in the script I recommend you How to activate/deactivate a gnome-shell extension from command line
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