For example there is no logout button:
If I log in with the guest session, everything seems to be fine (there is a log out button). I tried to remove my whole user directory and create an empty one, but the problem remains.
I am running Gnome Shell 3.4 using the PPAs ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 and ppa:ricotz/testing as described in this answer. I disabled all shell extensions and restarted the computer, but the problem remains.
Another difference between my user and the guest user I noticed: when I close the last window on the current workspace, the activitiy overview appears. This annoying beheviour seems to be disabled for the guest user.
I'm thinking to switch to Debian. I try to get 12.04 running with Gnome Shell since 2 days now...
A reinstall (with the same home directory) without the mentioned repositories solved the problem. I don't know why I thought I'd need newer versions.
Did you try creating a new user account and selectively moving your files from the old account in to the new one? If not, try that. Let me know how it goes!
Hi i used too the ricotz gnome shell ppa, i use synapse launcher to log out session, because the new versions not comming with this option yet. synapse works to logout. i don' t miss log out option in user menu. ( sorry my bad english :P )