Xkill is a utility program distributed with the X Window System that instructs the X server to forcefully terminate its connection to a client, thus "killing" the client.[1] When run with no command line arguments, the program displays a special cursor (usually a crosshair or a skull and crossbones) and displays a message such as
Select the window whose client you wish to kill with button 1 ...
If a non-root window is then selected, the server will close its connection to the client that created that window, and the window will be destroyed.
I would like to achieve the same behavior for wayland windows, if possible.
PS: I am on Kubuntu 21.10 running a wayland session, but would prefer something DE agnostic.
KDE has a built-in function that provides this. Press CTRL+ALT+ESC and then click on a window or press ESC to cancel