I'm looking for some advice on how I can upgrade 100's of Ubuntu 20.04.X installations to get all that 20.04.4 goodness.
First some background:
I manage an environment where we have 100's of Ubuntu 20.04.X installations. Up until now, we've just lived with the fact that they are using lvmpipe instead of the built-in/onboard Intel graphics. Anyways for poops and giggles I decided to download the latest 20.04.4 ISO and throw it on a system and to my shock and surprise it was listed and working!
I immediately tried some upgrading of a few of our existing systems and while it did upgrade to 20.04.4, we did not enjoy the same results.
Of note, I noticed that the upgrade kept us on the 5.04 Kernel. Of course I did (and have in the past) try upgrading to the 5.13 HWE kernel and that didn't seem to work.
So I'm wondering... short of having to re-install the OS on all these systems (which really isn't an option we want to explore), does anyone know of some dark magic that I can use to upgrade an existing installation to get all the bits and parts that are obviously included on the ISO?
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