I just installed CrashPlan for Linux. After installing, I deleted the installer folder and files, and the icon sitting on my desktop (after dragging it to the launcher). I rebooted, now the launcher icon is gone and I can't find any way to start the CrashPlan Desktop application.
How do I get the launcher back so I can start the program?
Download CrashPlan for Linux, saving the .tgz archive on your Desktop.
Double-click on the file to open it with Archive Manager, then extract it to the Desktop. You should have a folder now named 'CrashPlan-install' on your Desktop.
Open the Terminal and navigate to the folder containing the installer. Run the install script, using the default choices:
After it finishes, you need to do three things.
Edit the .desktop file first:
Add the line 'StartupWMClass=CrashPlan' at the end, so it looks like this:
Save, and exit the text editor. Now copy the file:
The last part is the easiest. Open your /home folder in Nautilus, and press Ctrl+H to show hidden files.
Now just go to .local/share/applications, grab the icon with your mouse, and drag it to the Unity Launcher.
Credit to @451F 's answer here, which I based this on.
from the terminal enter:
right-click on the launcher in the dock and click "Lock to Launcher"