After having bought the latest Humble Bundle, I am finding Limbo not to perform greatly.
The advice on the F&Q site is
Q: Limbo does not perform as well as I hoped for
A: In the settings.txt file you can set the resolution and the target framerate lower. Firstly delete everything below the ———identifers——- marker and then try “use30hz = true” and a backbufferheight lower than 720.
This file can be found here /opt/limbo/support/limbo/drive_c/program files/limbo/settings.txt
So to edit I assumed the command to be
gksudo gedit /opt/limbo/support/limbo/drive_c/program files/limbo/settings.txt
This however opens a blank file as below
Where am I going wrong?
carter@carter-desktop:~$ ls -l "/opt/limbo/support/limbo/drive_c/program files/limbo/settings.txt"
ls: cannot access /opt/limbo/support/limbo/drive_c/program files/limbo/settings.txt: No such file or directory
The file is there and looks like this
The solution is two-fold:
or double quotes"
, in this case that doesn't really matter. Although perfectly legal to use spaces in file names, it is considered bad practice by many Linux/Unix specialists.Program Files
rather thanprogram files
.This should solve your issue: