/home is somewhat of a system directory but sub directories within it probably contain the bulk of user data. If I wish to move non system material to a recently added drive, it can be done with various cp commands and a few mv commands to perform the substitution in the end. (mv /important /oldimportant; mv /newimportant /important
Would there be anything different when attempting to mv /home /oldhome;mv /newhome /home
In order to perform such a move, you've got to be using an ID on the system. All IDs on the system have a directory within /home from which configurations unique to each ID are referenced. That material is going to be in use when the move takes place.
No, it IS,
so put those on a 2nd disk and not /home/
The system is already set up to be able to do this: see
.create a new partition using gparted from a live session and then shrink / to something like 40Gb (is enough for /, /home and snaps) or 20Gb-ish if no snaps used. Then make a 2nd partition with the remainder. Name it something, Could be /data if you want.
and you own that partition
the directories in /home/zeye/ to this new partition.Then open your filemanager, remove the dirs from /home and add the new ones on /data/