My PC's Wifi stopped working recently, probably after a kernel upgrade or so. The Wifi connects to the SSID & the port is assigned an IP address. However I am not able to Ping anything apart from the host itself. Tried rebooting, re-connecting, Wifi Router reboot, Disabled GUFW, etc but nothing worked. Everything else is working fine in the LAN.
Tried to add below Grub boot parameter, but it dint helped:
Changed the below parameter to disable power saving mode, dint helped even - /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf
wifi.powersave = 3 ==> 2
Changed the Power saving mode in Power management to Balanced, issue still existed.
Wifi Dongle is TP-Link Archer T3U [Realtek RTL8812BU]
I suspect either a bug in kernel or firmware or else hardware issues. Please guide me to figure out the issue and help resolve if possible.
Below is the output of DMESG command and Wireless-info script:
- Dmesg:
- Wireless-info:
I suspect your TP-LINK ARCHER T3U [RTL8812BU] driver is not working for the new kernel.
Supports Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP, Mac OS X
Your current driver:: Archer T3U [Realtek RTL8812BU] 6.8.0-41-generic (& you are using this kernel) I could not find an TP-LINK ARCHER T3u linux driver for this device.
You could try the driver here. I think yours is on this. (8812bu). However, it will involve working with sources and the ubuntu DKMs (Auto rebuild mechanism for drivers etc).
Compatible Kernels
You can remove the current driver with the following command
sudo modprobe rtw_8822bu
should re-install itinstallation
Open a gnome-terminal
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
#normal updatessudo apt install -y build-essential dkms git iw
#Tools neededmkdir -p ~/src
#make a directory to place the sourcescd ~/src
#move to directorygit clone
#download sourcescd ~/src/88x2bu-20210702
#Move into sourcessudo ./
#(Note to remove it run you are running secure boot and you have not installed a mokkey the driver will not get signed so it will not run. The instructions on the site do give some advice regarding this. (In particular the section on manual installation.)
I think it is a good idea to reboot before you starting testing.
To check the driver is installed in the dkms (for auto build when the kernel gets updated) run the following
I hope this is of some help