How can I fix the "Dummy Output" problem on a 2017 MacBook Pro (Intel-based)? Currently, sound isn't working and I see "Dummy Output" as the output device when I attempt to increase (or decrease) the volume.
I found a similar question: Dummy Output and No Input devices on 2017 iMac Pro and the fix was using (Linux Kernel Sound Driver for Cirrus Logic CS8409 (e.g. for iMac27 5k)) which has 6 outstanding issues and hasn't been updated for 2 years.
There is also (Kernel audio driver for Macs with 8409 HDA chip + MAX98706/SSM3515 amps) which is more recently maintained (5 months ago) but isn't official and has 62 open issues. Is this my best bet
Update: I installed snd_hda_macbookpro and I now see "Headphones" instead of "Dummy Output" but still no sound.
Update 2: I installed snd-hda-codec-cs8409 (by running make
and make install
in the repo's directory) and still "Headphones" is displayed and I hear no sound.
System info:
$ fastfetch
.... orange@orange-MacBookPro14-1
.',:clooo: .:looooo:. ----------------------------
.;looooooooc .oooooooooo' OS: Ubuntu noble 24.04 x86_64
.;looooool:,''. :ooooooooooc Host: MacBookPro14,1 (1.0)
;looool;. 'oooooooooo, Kernel: Linux 6.8.0-48-generic
;clool' .cooooooc. ,, Uptime: 2 mins
... ...... .:oo, Packages: 1620 (dpkg), 10 (snap), 1 (brew)
.;clol:,. .loooo' Shell: bash 5.2.21
:ooooooooo, 'ooool Display (Color LCD): 2560x1600 @ 60 Hz (as 1280x800) in 13" [Built-in]
'ooooooooooo. loooo. DE: GNOME 46.0
'ooooooooool coooo. WM: Mutter (Wayland)
,loooooooc. .loooo. WM Theme: Yaru-dark
.,;;;'. ;ooooc Theme: Yaru-dark [GTK2/3/4]
... ,ooool. Icons: Yaru [GTK2/3/4]
.cooooc. ..',,'. .cooo. Font: Ubuntu Sans (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
;ooooo:. ;oooooooc. :l. Cursor: Yaru (24px)
.coooooc,.. coooooooooo. Terminal: GNOME Terminal 3.52.0
.:ooooooolc:. .ooooooooooo' Terminal Font: Ubuntu Sans Mono (13pt)
.':loooooo; ,oooooooooc CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U (4) @ 3.60 GHz
..';::c' .;loooo:' GPU: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 @ 1.00 GHz [Integrated]
Memory: 2.54 GiB / 7.62 GiB (33%)
Swap: 0 B / 4.00 GiB (0%)
Disk (/): 11.24 GiB / 109.63 GiB (10%) - ext4
Local IP (wlp2s0):
Battery (bq20z451): 88% (6 hours, 49 mins remaining) [Discharging]
Locale: en_US.UTF-8
I reinstalled macOS and sound is still not working. So this is probably a hardware issue.