Using the Ubuntu customization kit, is there a way to include all the updates on the created CD (up to the point when the CD gets created)?
Using the Ubuntu customization kit, is there a way to include all the updates on the created CD (up to the point when the CD gets created)?
In general, you can do this with the LiveCD by chrooting into the expanded squashfs filesystem and running apt-get with upgrade or dist-upgrade. Note that the repacked customized filesystem may not fit on a 700MB CD (run clean, delete apt caches, etc. anyway)
Using ubuntu-defaults-builder, you can make your original iso image including update packages.
Step1. Install ubuntu-defaults-builder
Step2. Making Template
This command makes directory named ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386 within several files and some folders.
Step3. Customizing Template
In ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386 directory, hooks/chroot file is there. Add below 3 lines to last part of the file.
If you want to localize, change i18n/language.txt, i18n/langpacks.txt, and i18n/keyboard.txt. Or if you want to add some applications, add package names into depends.txt in top of directory.
Step4. Making DEB Package
This command makes package named "ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386_0.1_all.deb" in upper directory.
Step5. Execute ubuntu-defaults-image
This command makes iso image named "binary-hybrid.iso".
But this image is over 726MB, you should burn this iso image to DVD disc, or install this iso image to USB drive.