What is the package candidate or alternative for the python-pgsql (module) package in Ubuntu 11.10 ?
An error indicator that could help:
Error: You need to have the python-pgsql module installed to use this script. 'apt-get install python-pgsql' on debian.
The davical-cmdlnutl version 1.2.0 works.
Debian developers suggest either python-psycopg2 or python-pygresql. They have removed the package from their distribution, as has Ubuntu. There might be some code changes required to use the new packages. You might ask the author of the script you intend to use to adjust his code to those packages.
Adapting davical-cmdlnut to psycopg2
There should be a pretty straight-forward translation between pyPgSQL and psycopg2. The different handling of quoting is perhaps the most difficult to do among these.
Also note that psycopg2 developers advise strongy against the use of + to compose querys, which davical-cmdlnut does all over the place. That's the reason they have to do so much manual quoting, whereas psycopg2 would do all that automatically if parameters were passed their way.