Is it still possible to enable the Parcellite indicator in Ubuntu 12.04? I've noticed that the indicator no longer shows up when I launch Parcellite. Is there a workaround for this?
Is it still possible to enable the Parcellite indicator in Ubuntu 12.04? I've noticed that the indicator no longer shows up when I launch Parcellite. Is there a workaround for this?
In the latest releases Parcellite claims to support Unity. Debian packages without an application indicator are available from the project's home page. There we also have an announcement for a ppa that is supposed to contain the application indiciator once it is populated.
Alterantively you may install its fork ClipIt
In case you do for any reason need to further run Parcellite you may whitelist its panel icon by running dconf-editor (from dconf-tools
) Desktop -> Unity -> panel or from the command line
Actually, Parcellite is maintained, and I just released an appindicator .deb for it. Check out the web page for Parcellite. I only have an AMD64 machine with libappindicator, so that's the only deb for Unity I built.