I'm trying to install phusion passenger.
Eventually I got an error
Permission problems
This installer must be able to write to the following directory:
But it can't do that, because you're running the installer as alex.
Please re-run this installer as root.
I tried to do to
sudo passenger-install-nginx-module
but it says
sudo: passenger-install-nginx-module: command not found
How do I solve it?
From Passenger installation with nginx fails in Stack Overflow:
I'm using rbenv instead of rvm, so rvmsudo isnt an option for me.
I solved it by running:
which passenger-install-nginx-module
then running that with sudo.In my case it was:
sudo ~/.rbenv/shims/passenger-install-nginx-module
open your terminal and type this to create a user as deploy .
then do Update and install required dependencies with this command
then we have to install Ruby
Then now we are able to install Nginx with Passenger , with these commands
Hope that helps .