Bryan Asked: 2012-08-29 19:51:20 +0800 CST2012-08-29 19:51:20 +0800 CST 2012-08-29 19:51:20 +0800 CST Can you limit which MAAS nodes can be used as part of a juju environment? 772 As examples, either based on node name or on system requirements? juju 1 Answers Voted Jeroen Vermeulen 2012-09-03T18:27:11+08:002012-09-03T18:27:11+08:00 MAAS accepts one constraint: "name" (for the machine's hostname). Use that to tell MAAS which machine you want it to allocate for you.
MAAS accepts one constraint: "name" (for the machine's hostname). Use that to tell MAAS which machine you want it to allocate for you.