I have installed libdvdcss2, but I still get this error when trying to play DVDs:
libdvdread4 was installed by default (This is a new System76 Pangolin Performance). I ran the install-css.sh script, and it completed with no problems.
I can confirm that libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2 are installed:
mac9416@charlotte:~$ dpkg -l | grep dvdcss
ii libdvdcss2 1.2.12-0.0medibuntu1 Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries
mac9416@charlotte:~$ dpkg -l | grep dvdread
ii libdvdread4 4.2.0-1ubuntu3 library for reading DVDs
The instructions on the Ubuntu Documentation site were quite right. As david6 pointed out, I simply needed to read further down the page and set the region code.
The process:
1. Install libdvdcss
(libdvdread4 came installed with the laptop.)
2. Set my region code
After making sure the universe repositories were enabled:
Before setting my region code, I read the regionset documentation at /usr/share/doc/regionset/README.
I set my region to 0, North America.
3. Fix poor playback
After setting my region code, playback was possible, but the video was very distorted. So I read further down the DVD playback page. Deleting ~/.dvdcss/ did the trick.
Playback still isn't perfect... In Totem media player, the menu is slightly distorted, and in VLC I have to disable menus entirely. But once the video is rolling, everything works fine. Thank you January and david6 for your help!
This should work:
Try re-installing all DVD support:
I had the exact same problem and it was just region set all the time I followed the steps on the following site which then got it working for me :) I still can't understand why I didn't have to use it on the last version of ubuntu but oh well at least it works and I know to look at it next time if I need to. Use the following link for steps... http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-switch-change-alter-dvd-region-code/