I've lost my GPG key which was used to sign my PPA. So, I generated a new key and deactivated old one in Launchpad.
Now, I would like to change the key which is used to sign repository. Currently the ppa is unavailable duo to invalid GPG signature.
My PPA: https://launchpad.net/~soroush-r/+archive/geopsy-deb
Your GPG key with Launchpad is only used to sign the PPA uploads, NOT the generated PPA packages:
Any loss/compromise of your GPG key doesn't affect the PPA signing key, and AFAIK it's not possible to change that key even if you wanted to, without creating a new LP account.
I was just able to successfully add your PPA:
To resolve any local problems you're having, simply re-add the PPA signing key with: