When choose some PDF document to be opened by Evince from a WWW-site, it shows the document with font size 300%. How can I change it to show the document by font size 100 %? The same issue occurs both in Firefox and in Chrome. I'm using Ubuntu 12.10, Evince 3.6.0, Firefox 16.0.1 and Chrome 22.0.1229.94.
I think the problem might be that you're missing a font.
In some PDFs, not all fonts are embedded, which means that you have to have these fonts installed on your system. If you don't have them installed, the PDF readers use a substitution font, which looks right most of the time, but not always. Looking at your provided sample, you can see in the
column which fonts are embedded:As you can see "Times-Roman" isn't in the PDF and probably substituted with a wrong font.
Things to try:
Open the terminal application and install the Windows fonts, which include Times New Roman:
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Install another pdf reader, which may be substititung the font differently, e.g. muPdf
sudo apt-get install mupdf
Right click on the PDF and choose the program to open the file