I was wondering if there was a simple way to close Teamviewer to the notification area like I would close Skype?
Just to clarify my initial post, I want to enable Teamviewer in the notification area so that I can close it in my open programs bar (click on x), and it would still be running in the notification area (Skype does that, I can option Banshee and Rhythmbox to do that, and Transmission does this too). All Tray puts it into the notification area, but the x still closes Teamviewer completely, and I have not found an optional setting in Teamviewer either.
Thanks for the answer though Karni! ;)
Sure, you can use alltray for that :)
Look it up in Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center, or use this command:
EDIT To minimize the program, run alltray and point to the Window of it. It will hide in the tray. To hide/unhide to/from Tray, click the Tray icon of the program :)
It's an application-specific behavior - you'd need to get the app makers to change it. However, moving it to another desktop will also cause it not to be an eyesore, while alltray as Karni suggested would fill the tray part.
The option you might be looking for is called "Close to tray menu" and is available in Teamviewer's settings:
Extras > Options > Advanced > "Show advanced options" > "Close to tray menu" check box.
Check this box to have Teamviewer 'minimize' to the notification area, after clicking the X (exit button).
Hope this helps :)
EDIT: If the "Close to tray menu" is grayed out, try the following solution:
The reason the "Close To tray Menu" is grayed out is because you have "Start teamviewer with windows". It's like a failsafe. Assuming you want Teamviewer to start everytime windows starts, then that means you never want it closed, therefore it greys out the Close To Tray. All you have to do is change the setting for startup.
I only have a license for Teamviewer 7. I therefore don't know if this solution applies to other versions. If you go to Extras > Options > Advanced on the pc you wish to control you can deactivate the ability to (especially by accident) close Teamviewer.
This works equally on Windows or Linux.