Possible Duplicate:
How to disable X at boot time?
How do I boot Ubuntu by default into the CLI using a multiuser runlevel? I wish to still maintain my graphical desktop manager (GDM or whatever replaced it) since I do use that to switch between Unity and Awesome WM. I do however wish to boot by default into a CLI login shell. I could then startx
to start my GUI if I need it. I am aware that Ctrl-Alt-(F1-6)
will open a separate tty instance with a login shell but it seems wasteful to have a GUI running even if asleep if I am working purely from the command line.
as a kernel boot parameter.Explained in detail in this answer to a possible duplicate question "How to disable X at boot time?".
This Document Should help
Basically you edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf and add/change