Whenever you want to open a file with a program that's not in the right-click shortlist, you click 'use a custom command.' However, the way that's worded led me to believe that it may be possible to treat the file as if it were $@
, command line input.
What I want to be able to do is add the custom command 'cp (clickedfile) /my/directory'...
However, the custom command 'cp $@ /my/directory' did not work.
Ideally you should create a Nautilus script to perform this task. A Nautilus script is a well-defined way to perform complex tasks in GNOME.
For more on Nautilus scripts with examples, see http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/
You would like to see the File Management scripts at http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/cat-filesysmgt.php
Here is what you need,
The beauty with this is that you can select multiple files and it still works.
If you want something a bit more complex than that, see http://blog.sriunplugged.com/shell-scripting/send-to-in-linux/