In USC, after I submit a review, my display name is "Bnxdcty"... a swell name, but where did it come from?
I have checked the ubuntu single sign on page, verified my nickname on there, changed it to something else and back again for good measure, but still my reviewer name is somehow still "Bnxdcty". I even unauthorized ubuntu software center and then re-opened it/authorized it to my account.
Does this just appear as this to me and others see my correct user nickname, because it seems most other people have their Ubuntu Single Sign On nickname correctly displayed?
It doesn't bother as much as it confuses me.
I just know it will be something stupid in my account settings that everyone knows but me.
I have noticed the same thing on 11.04. When reviewing an application it tells me my name is "Greg Auger" (which it is) but once the review is posted it shows up as belonging to "fluteflute".
I suggest you go to and sign in using your Ubuntu Single Sign On details. If you clixk on your name in the top right corner of the pageyou will go to your userpage. From here click "Change Details". I'd be interested to know what yours says, mine is below: