I have a Windows 7 partition mounted in Ubuntu. In order to access the fonts I created a link to the Windows font folder using
ln -s /path/to/your/windows/fonts/folder .fonts/windows
I then refreshed my font cache using
sudo fc-cache -fv
I only get Cambria in italics in LibreOffice. All the versions are available in gedit. Is there a way to get the regular and bold versions too?
From http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/how-to-download-and-install-windows-81.html
The regular (upright) style of Cambria is in the TrueType Collection (.ttc) format, allowing it to contain several styles in one file (in this case, Cambria and Cambria Math).
Since version 4.3.3 (released in 2014), LibreOffice is now compatible with TTC fonts when running on Linux. This is the commit that implements that support. Therefore, the workaround described in the accepted answer is no longer needed.