I have a user who's home directory is a Mercurial repository.
Mercurial notified me that there were 2 new unversioned files in my repository. .bash_history
and .cache/motd.legal-displayed
I assume bash_history is the history of bash commands for my user. I have no idea what the other is.
I don't want these files to be versioned by Mercurial, are they safe to just delete, or will they come back, or mess something up? Can they be moved to somewhere else? Or do I have to add them to my .hgignore file?
Would it be a problem to use a directory inside the home as Mercurial repo, and not the home directory itself? I just ask this, since it's a bit unfortunate: like bash creates .bash_history, some commands can have there config files written into the home, so you have to fight with those as well, whenever you use some commands/utils of these kind.