I have connected my ipod touch 32gb in my ubuntu 10.10 os.It's connected on os and shows in desktop. but it's not showing as a device in Rhythmbox music player. and also I can't open directly like folder or drive or usb device. when I try to open it show this Error:
Could not display "gphoto2://[usb:001,003]/".
Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.207 was not provided by any .service files
Please select another viewer and try again.
Any solution for this problem?
It is possible that your iPod is using a newer firmware than supported by ubuntu 10.10 out of the box.
The packages which are needed for using iPod, iPhone etc. are libimobiledevice1 libplist1 libgpod4 libusbmuxd1 usbmuxd gvfs and gvfs-backends. With the ppa ppa:pmcenery/ppa you are maybe able to solve this problem.
First of all: You have be clear about the fakt, that a ppa (personal package archive) is neither part of ubuntu nor a save repository. (It's like downloading a pice of software for windows from any website)
To install these packages from this ppa you should act like the following:
If after that your iPod still not works try the following command in a terminal:
good luck
Apparently Apple borked linux support with iOS 4 and Nano 6+, and it's proven difficult to hack the music database to allow access to non-iTunes apps. I suspect your device is included in the bug.