Is there a place where I could check what are the differences between kernel in version 10.04 and 10.10 ? The reason is that from time to time I have total system freezes with 10.10 on Dell Inspiron 1501 which was no the case on 10.04.
Is there a place where I could check what are the differences between kernel in version 10.04 and 10.10 ? The reason is that from time to time I have total system freezes with 10.10 on Dell Inspiron 1501 which was no the case on 10.04.
Ubuntu 10.04 used Kernel version 2.6.32 with the DRM from 2.6.33[src]. Ubuntu 10.10 used 2.6.35.
The change logs are at, but they are big. The changes in .35 are in this 6.3MB text file. You may be better off searching Bugs in Ubuntu to find more about your particular problem. There are 34 results for "Inspiron 1501".