When i'm scrolling sometimes ubuntu will think i'm trying to switch applications.
Is there a three finger application switching feature in ubuntu 13.04 that i don't know about?
It sometimes also switches applications when my palms are touching. I tried disable while typing and it's not optimal or user friendly. It's rather annoying to me.
Yes. This is three finger tap followed by hold to switch between app windows. The explanation here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch
In my case, running following command solved the problem.
The Window List will switch applications if you scroll while the cursor is over it.
This was messing with my head, too. I couldn't figure out how to reproduce it until I read the Multitouch wiki posted by bagustris in his comment above.
immediately fixed the problem. Note that I ran
first to preserve the original listings.
This one solves my problem:
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=0