When using Nautilus and right-clicking on a file > Properties, user is presented with a permissions tab. The default UI for this permissions tab is horribly difficult to understand and calibrate and lacks any sort of user-friendliness. Accordingly, I need Nautilus to display the alternate view: what has always been called "advanced-permissions" view. Here is what the "advanced-permissions" look like:
using dconf Editor I have always been able to go to setting dconf-editor > org > gnome > nautilus > preferences > show-advanced-permissions
and change the appearance of the permissions to this "advanced" presentation which makes the permissions much easier to understand and calibrate.
So how do I get Nautilus to display what has always been called "show-advanced-permissions"? Why is this setting missing from 13.04? How do I get it back?
The advanced permissions mode in Nautilus was removed from August 2012.
Source: index : nautilus - Commit message: Remove advanced permissions
Not sure if this will work on 13.04 but try this:
While still shown in gconf nautilus, settings are now handled through dconf. Install dconf-tools using
sudo apt-get isntall dconf-tools
on a terminal, then opendconf-editor
& browse to org > gnome > nautilus > preferencesOr use