So for any given version e.g. 12.04, 12.10, 13.04,etc. a full changelog of all update packages e.g. MySQL, Apache, etc.?
Note: Raring Ringtail release notes says:
For a list of all packages being accepted for 13.04 Raring Ringtail, please subscribe to raring-changes.
The raring changes is a mailing list of nightmare proportions. Maybe there's a final, proofed, easy to understand, changelog of all updated packages?
You can find all changelog on, but it's difficult to see.
So the best strategy is to go to, search for interesting packages, and on right column click on "Ubuntu Changelog".
Ubuntu Updates, has all the latest updates with change-log for all releases. It gives you Package name, Release, Repository, and when it was Updated, among other information.
Source:Ubuntu Updates
You could use
, which can display the changelog and NEWS.Debian of packages before upgrading packages.Something like that should do the trick:
Change /etc/apt/listchanges.conf to:
If you want to upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10, you need to change
apt-get upgrade
orapt-get dist-upgrade
on the system you want to upgrade.