This all started with me trying to get 2-finger scroll working. In Windows, I got used to it. So I found a thread that said to run these commands:
synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=5
synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=48
It kinda worked, when I put one finger extremely close to the other. So another thread said to fine-tune the MinW and MinZ by doing synclient -m 150
, where I got the error "Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?"
So I set off to enable SHM Config. I found another post that said to edit my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and add Option "SHMConfig" "on"
- so that's in there, and I still get that error. My mouse is all over the place almost any time I touch it at this point!
I have dell vostro and although the mouse settings lets me enable two-finger scrolling. It didnot work. I asked twice about this and got to this workaround.
Vostro 3400 touchpad multiple gesture and two finger scrolling not working
I added the following line to
and now it works. May be you could try that.xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Synaptics Two-Finger Pressure" 32 40