I followed the instructions at this site to get pure Lubuntu. Unfortunately, after doing so my computer will no longer boot into the GUI. I'm able to switch over to a terminal just fine, but the GUI never comes up. The computer boots past the Lubuntu splash screen and then displays:
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
* Starting web server apache2
etc/rc2.d/S99acpi-support: line 7: /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs: No such file or directory
It seems to be stuck there. Yesterday, I let the computer run for 24 hours. When I came back, the whole screen was full of code. I didn't catch any of it though.
I attempted to restart from a Live USB, but the computer wouldn't even recognize it. I tried it in every port but I can't get it to show up on the boot menu.
I was able to Ctrl+Alt+F6 to a terminal. I tried:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop
I also tried sudo apt-get install -f
None of this helped. Now it's just back to the aforementioned apache2 error message.
Another oddity: I can reboot the computer from the terminal using sudo reboot
but when I attempt sudo shutdown now
it pumps out a ton of error messages, switches to single user mode, and waits for a command.
How can I get my GUI back?
I realized that I was stupidly trying to boot a computer with UEFI using an x86 USB. It boots from a live USB using the 64-bit live USB.
Its possible you removed the lightdm, which is the login window. This is what gets you into any flavor of Ubuntu, its where you login. Try reinstalling this. And, the apache2 has nothing to do with this problem, thats a whole nother problem completely. You most likely removed as well, many key files...I would back up your files using a live boot and re-install lubuntu, purely...
In the terminal, type-
maybe it brings up the GUI