So I just created the .bash_aliases and wrote the following:
wine C:\\Program\ Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe $1
alias notepad++=callNotepad
Now whether notepad++ is already running or not, if it is not it does open notepad++ and either way, it opens whatever file I specify when I call
notepad++ someFile
However, if notepad++ was not running prior to that command, it gives me a
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
and then blocks the calling terminal for as long as notepad is running.
How would I implement that alias correctly? For I have no idea what that fixme is supposed to tell me.
Also, I would prefer not having to open a second terminal after opening a file in notepad++ (ctrl+C reenables the terminal but closes notepad++).
Run the command in the background.
If you want to silence the errors, redirect them into silence.
Note that this may also silence useful errors, so use at your own risk.