I was wondering if it is possible to change the default size of the launcher during guest sessions? It is rather large, and a little bulky (opinion), and I was wondering if I could change it so every guest session would have a smaller (example 32px or whatever) launcher size? (Ubuntu 12.04 and newer)
Thank you for your time and ansers.
You can try with the guest-session-prefs-lightdm kit.
Ubuntu 12.04
1) Go to this page to download the guest-session-prefs-lightdm-0.12.tar.gz package to your ~/Downloads folder.
2) Open a Terminal window and type:
cd ~/Downloads/
tar -xf guest-session-prefs-lightdm-0.12.tar.gz
cd guest-session-prefs-lightdm-0.12/
sudo ./install.sh
Note: The script install.sh will tell you if you need to install any package to complete the installation. eg (gettext)
3) Edit the /etc/guest-session/auto.sh file to add the command to resize the Launcher icons.
sudo nano /etc/guest-session/auto.sh
Add the following lines to the file:
Save the changes with Ctrol+O then Enter and Ctrl+X.
**4)**Finally you can lOgout and login in the guest account to see the changes.
Ubuntu 12.10 & 13.04
Thes steps are the same as 12.04, the only change would be the command to resize the icons.
instead the gconftool-2 command.
NOTE: This kit by default has examples like display an info dialog, or create a link to a folder. You can change it according to your needs.
Hope this helps.