I have a brand new 13.10 install and I want all this shopping spyware nonsense gone. Searching for "Ubuntu shopping spyware nonsense" led me to apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping
but I don't actually see a unity-lens-shopping package. How do I remove shopping searches in 13.10?
Update: Is there any way to distinguish the scopes that search remote servers (Ebay, Amazon, AskUbuntu) from the ones that search my local computer? Or do I have to go through them all?
You can't remove the Unity Shopping Lens in Ubuntu 13.10 because there's no Shopping lens. Ubuntu 13.10 comes with a feature called Unity Smart Scopes (or "100 scopes") which uses a huge list of scopes to display results in Dash and among these, there are some used for shopping. So if you don't want shopping suggestions in Dash, you must disable these shopping scopes (see below). Unity Dash without shopping suggestions
How to disable Unity Dash plugins (scopes) in Ubuntu 13.10
To disable a Dash plugin (scope) in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander:
All the Dash search plugins (scopes) should be listed.
To disable a plugin, click on it and then click the "Disable" button. Later on you can enable them back in the same way.
Disable the Amazon / shopping suggestions Unity Dash scopes
If you don't want shopping suggestions in Dash, disable the following scopes (by using the instructions above): Amazon, Ebay, Music Store, Popular Tracks Online, Skimlinks, Ubuntu One Music Search and Ubuntu Shop.
To disable all these shopping Dash plugins/scopes from the command line, use the following command
There's now a GUI for doing this.
Open "System Settings" (type that in the Dash). Then go to "Security and Privacy". Then "Search". Then set the "include on-line search results" to off.
Disclaimer: It seems likely that this prevents the system from phoning home with everything typed in to Dash, but I'm not positive of this.
It turns out that Fix Ubuntu has the solution:
For 13.10, that's
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', 'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', 'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']";
and edit/etc/hosts
to redirect requests forproductsearch.ubuntu.com
to (localhost)I am assuming you want to remove some other lenses too. So first get an overview of what is actually installed:
Open a terminal: CTRLALTT and type
This will give you a list of the form:
Now you can decide what you want to remove and do so with e.g.
until the desired state of your system is reached.
Whenever you are in doubt what a lens will do you can get the needed information with
apt-cache show
, e.g.A little way down you will see: