I want to learn to build apps on Ubuntu, so after doing some resarch, I found out I need to install Eclipse.
The problem I have now is which one:
There's SO many on:
or I should install:
sudo aptitude search eclipse p eclipse
- Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE p eclipse-cdt
- C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse p eclipse-cdt-jni
- C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse (JNI) p eclipse-egit
- Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system p eclipse-emf
- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) p eclipse-emf-examples
- Eclipse EMF/XSD examples p eclipse-emf-sdk
- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - (Source/Documentation) p eclipse-jdt
- Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT) p eclipse-jgit
- Java implementation of GIT for Eclipse p eclipse-pde
- Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) p eclipse-platform
- Eclipse platform without development plug-ins p eclipse-platform-data
- Eclipse platform without development plug-ins (data) p eclipse-rcp
- Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) p eclipse-rse
- Eclipse Remote System Explorer (RSE) p eclipse-xsd
- XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse p eclipse-xsd-sdk
- XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Eclipse - (Source/Documentation) p libcommons-jci-eclipse-java
- common Java interface for various compilers - Eclipse JDT p libeclipselink-java
- Eclipse Persistence Services Project p libeclipselink-java-doc
- Documentation for libeclipselink-java p redeclipse
- multiplayer FPS game based on Cube2 p redeclipse-data
- data for the Red Eclipse FPS game p redeclipse-dbg
- debug symbols for the Red Eclipse FPS game p redeclipse-server
- server for the Red Eclipse FPS game p redeclipse-server-dbg
- debug symbols for the Red Eclipse dedicated server
eclipse kepler standard package 4.3.1
from here.It was the latest version of eclipse.32 or 64 bit version
of kepler package according to your system configuration.