I'm trying to perform an update using the normal sudo apt-get update. However my main ethernet does not have access to the outside world (long story I think I purposely did this and forgot how I did it to undo it). I have another network card in there that I plug in for just to get internet. When I ping using the second network card I can ping www.google.com and with the first I can not. So after that long story, apt-get will only try to use the first network card and fail to get a reply back from the internet. I was wondering if there was a way to force apt-get to use a certain eth to retrieve updates?
If the default gateway does not point to eth1 (or what is used for internet) enter this in the terminal:
sudo route add default gw xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dev eth1
where the x's are your gateway, your router at home or if you only have a modem the gateway designated by your internet service provider