I am trying to get rid of some of the indicator icons on the Lightdm login screen (or maybe just get rid of everything). No luck so far.
The file I am editing is @ /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.unity-greeter.gschema.xml on Ubuntu 12.04.3.
After making the changes, I compile with sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
When I test with lightdm --test-mode
it seems that Lightdm is going on an endless loop.
Anybody here has successfully removed the indicators before? I just want the power indicator, or perhaps if it's possible, totally remove all indicators.
Edit: By power I meant the shutdown/restart indicator, which is rightfully called session indicator.
I tested it now on 12.04. If I remove every indicator I get the same problem what you get, stuck in an endless loop.
I tested some variations and it looks like you can't remove the ug-keyboard and of course the session indicator. All the other I can remove without problem. So just keep those 2. Then you will have only the keyboard and the power on the login screen.
To get out-of the endless loop press ALT+PrtSc+E, this will terminate lightdm (and all processes) after this you can switch to the virtual console CTRL+ALT+F1 and repair what you need to.