When I change brightness on the laptop with a laptop keys the brightness is behaving strangely for a couple of minutes, and Xorg eats 5% CPU during this time.
I had the same effect on my previous laptop, which I attributed to its dying hardware. Now I get the same issue after a year usage of my new laptop.
On the first laptop I used proprientary ATI Radeon drivers, and on the current one I use proprientary NVIDIA drivers.
I'm currently using a Kubuntu-dev, but on the old laptop I've used a stable release.
I found a somewhat similar old thread on ubuntu forums with none responces.
I tried adjusting brightness from cli (see here and there) and also using gui wigdet (I'm on KDE) -- but nothing works: sloppy state frees me faster -- but doesn't change the brightness.
The brightness is only changed with laptop brightness keys, and it takes a couple of minutes to complete that 5% CPU Xorg task.
This changes brightness right away! Just as before.
However I still don't know what was wrong.
The solution might be easily scripted. The only drawback -- it requires root, and I've no idea how to propely set up PolicyKit to do without it.
Edit 2:
I'm using the following script. It has two hardcoded values:
found on lines 17 and 18: