If I run the command "service --status-all", each (running?) service is listed in column format. The first column has either a [ ? ], [ + ], or [ - ] before the service name. What does this column represent? What does ?, +, and - mean?
Sorry if this is a simple question. I searched online for ~30 minutes before just coming here and asking.
I even found this: What do the symbols in service --status-all mean? where the "correct" answer states "It draws a [ + ] or [ - ] depending on whether the exit status was zero or nonzero, respectively.".
So, I guess my new question is what does status zero and nonzero(!?!?!) mean?
Well those are just exit codes. After something has done running, it can return an 8-bit integer (0-255) to indicate how it exited.
man <command>
) will usually show you what these codes mean.In terms of the question, don't overthink it:
means it's running,-
means it isn't (it might have crashed - it might never have started), and?
means the services doesn't have astatus
command, so there's no way the service command can work out what's what.