I have been presented with a server running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
server edition.
This machine was in use earlier for a web application and also has many other applications configured in it. Now, I want to remove all the un necessary applications from it like apache2 etc. and do a fresh start for installation of the new application.
Now, the problem is how can I determine what applications i.e. packages are installed in it, and how can I disable/uninstall and optimize this server.
After uninstalling the packages I want to optimize it to disable Packages for Securing it much like point number 3 in the link here.
But it's not for Ubuntu.
I use rcconf to disable some (not all) services:
For other services (depending if they use init or upstart) I use bum (Boot Up Manager):
Note that this second one requires a GUI. If someone can point out a terminal equivalent it'll help you. You can also use the service command to start, stop, restart or configure daemons (services):