I'm using Ubuntu kde plasma desktop. I first installed Ubuntu, and then I upgraded to Kubuntu and have been using both for over a year now. When I upgraded kdeplasmadesktop
the cursor is visible on the login screeen but cannot be seen inside Kubuntu. I have tried typing:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diste-gnome
in the terminal but don't know how to make it work, or if it's right, and anyway, and can not open the terminal any more, and how can I open the terminal without a mouse in Kubuntu again?
I'm not sure an update will solve it, but if you want to try, just press: Control + Alt + F6
You'll have a tty (virtual terminal) where you can log in typing your username and your password. There, you can try:
You could also try to install a different desktop interface and see if the mouse problem is KDE specific:
or, more lightweight:
To go back, use Control + Alt + F7 or just restart the computer with:
This one is caused by having gnome settings active. Try to change this with dconf-editor:
Go to
change it to false
I hope it helps
sudo apt-get purge unclutter
. Fixed the problem for me. You can reinstallunclutter
. It doesn,t cause the problem again