I just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.04, and when I went to reconfigure KDM (because I'm not a fan of the current theme), I realized that there was no way to add more themes, and there were only two there. How can I install themes for KDM?
I just upgraded to Kubuntu 14.04, and when I went to reconfigure KDM (because I'm not a fan of the current theme), I realized that there was no way to add more themes, and there were only two there. How can I install themes for KDM?
Login Screen
From the Kubuntu 12.10 the default login manager has been the LightDM: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.10-release. KDE System settings > Login Screen(LightDM)
The KDE login manager can be installed to the Kubuntu. The package is kdm.
After the installation the KDM themes can be installed from the KDE System settings > Login Screen - Theme tab - 'Get New Themes' or 'Install new theme'.
The KDM control module can be started with the command:
This is a workaround for the KDE bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=255453