Dumitru Cristian Asked: 2014-04-23 07:30:42 +0800 CST2014-04-23 07:30:42 +0800 CST 2014-04-23 07:30:42 +0800 CST External HDD accidentally unlocked from launcher 772 In Ubuntu 14.04 I accidentally unlocked from launcher my external HDD. How can I have it back there? Thank you in advance hard-drive 1 Answers Voted Best Answer Sudheer 2014-04-23T07:34:20+08:002014-04-23T07:34:20+08:00 when you connect your external hard drive open dash and type the drives names(partitions names of your external harddrive) then drag that drive to launcher
when you connect your external hard drive open dash and type the drives names(partitions names of your external harddrive) then drag that drive to launcher