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Do do I change the trash keyboard shortcut?
In the launcher, the Rubbish Bin is given the shortcut Super+t
. I assume this is because it was named 'Trash Can' or something in the original language. I just wondered if there is any way of changing the letter of this shortcut because it's something that's mildly annoying to me. I'd rather have Super+t
open a terminal like I had in 10.10.
I am currently unable to help with rename the shortcut Super+t to trash in the launcher, but I am working on it. However, I can point you in the direction of where to change the shortcut for the terminal.
To change the default shortcut CTRL+ALT+T, you will need to ensure you have the 'Compizconfig Settings Manager' (CCSM) installed. To install, issue the following command from a terminal:
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
Once installed, or if it is already installed, start CCSM. In CCSM, select 'Gnome Compatibility', and select the 'Commands' tab. Here you can change the terminal launcher shortcut.
UPDATE There is indication that the shortcut for trash is currently hard-coded in Unity. See => How do I change the trash keyboard shortcut?