I was trying to play a movie in the Movie Player, but Ubuntu replied with the error that the .inf file that told the disc how to play the movie couldn't be read. Windows is not working right now. Anything I can use to read the file? I have wine installed, in case that can do anything.
I would try vlc. It is in the standard repos and can be installed easily
You can get more info from http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html
The inf file can't be read because you are using Ubuntu and not Windows. "inf" files are used by the Windows operating system.
You can use any installed Ubuntu media player instead of relying on Wine to play media like movies, DVDs or even music if Wine is not working. You should have AT LEAST one kind of media player with a basic Ubuntu installation. All of them are more capable than Microsoft applications. In Unity, search the apps from the desktop search and the same goes for Gnome. For Xubuntu, Ubuntustudio, and Lubuntu, choose application search to find a media player. For Kubuntu, it's pretty self explanitory.