I would like to know how to create a splash for Ubuntu Maverick with boot messages being displayed when I boot as well as a progress bar and a spinning logo.
Or, if possible, how to edit a splash which already has a spinning logo and a progress bar, and add boot messages to it.
This is the theme I would like to edit:
and I would like something like this:
or this, which is the exact splash I want to create:
i was able to find this website it has a lot of usefull information but am havin a hard time understanding some of it. havent done any scripting before!
Create your own splash screen with scrolling boot messages
and this is another website wich can help with scripting
this is the script for the progress bar in the splash:
#----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------
progress_box.image = Image("progress_box.png");
progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image);
progress_box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth() / 2;
progress_box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2;
progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 0);
progress_bar.original_image = Image("progress_bar.png");
progress_bar.sprite = Sprite();
progress_bar.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() / 2;
progress_bar.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2 + (progress_box.image.GetHeight() - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2;
progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 1);
fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress))
# add the * 3 to multiply the speed of the progress bar by 3
progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress * 3, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight());
progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image);
OK so I did a lot more searching and I was able to learn a bit more about Plymouth.
these are the sites that I found useful. Plymouth theming guide There are four parts to that article you have to read through them to get the gist of what we are doing. (I was comparing their script with the script for my splash to understand what is what, I recommend doing that if anyone is to follow in my footsteps.) Plymouth scripting Ok this link has 2 pages had to go through them to understand what to do. Turns out they were after the same thing I was, which is to direct boot messages to the Plymouth splash where i already have a spinning logo, background, progress bar.
So i had to edit my /lib/lsb/init-functions
file and make it so that it would send the boot error/success,etc messages to Plymouth by adding this paragraph
if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && pidof plymouthd >/dev/null
plymouth_send() {
[ "$1" = '-n' ] && { # add a flag '>' for lines that will be extended
/bin/plymouth message --text=">$*" || true
[ "$1" = '-w' ] && { # add "warning" formatting
/bin/plymouth update --status="warning" || true
/bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true
/bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true
[ "$1" = '-f' ] && { # add "failed" formatting
/bin/plymouth update --status="failed" || true
/bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true
/bin/plymouth update --status="normal" || true
/bin/plymouth message --text="$*" || true
plymouth_send() { :; }
# int log_begin_message (char *message)
log_begin_msg () {
if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
return 1
echo -n "$@"
As well as adding
# Only do the fancy stuff if we have an appropriate terminal
# and if /usr is already mounted
if log_use_fancy_output; then
RED=`$TPUT setaf 1`
YELLOW=`$TPUT setaf 3`
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
echo "."
plymouth_send "."
elif [ $1 -eq 255 ]; then
/bin/echo -e " ${YELLOW}(warning).${NORMAL}"
plymouth_send -w " (warning)."
/bin/echo -e " ${RED}failed!${NORMAL}"
plymouth_send -f " failed!"
log_end_msg_post "$@"
return $retval
log_action_msg () {
echo "$@."
plymouth_send "$@."
log_action_begin_msg () {
echo -n "$@..."
plymouth_send -n "$@..."
log_action_cont_msg () {
echo -n "$@..."
plymouth_send -n "$@..."
log_action_end_msg () {
log_action_end_msg_pre "$@"
if [ -z "${2:-}" ]; then
end=" ($2)."
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
echo "done${end}"
plymouth_send "done${end}"
if log_use_fancy_output; then
RED=`$TPUT setaf 1`
/bin/echo -e "${RED}failed${end}${NORMAL}"
echo "failed${end}"
plymouth_send -f "failed${end}"
log_action_end_msg_post "$@"
So far I wasn't able to get the messages through to Plymouth, but I did get a better understanding of how Plymouth scripting works!
I don't know what else am supposed to do to make it work! hoping somebody here can help me out
Ohh and here is my version of the script for the Splash I am working on.
# INT2MIL-Ubuntu-10.10-Eng splashy like theme
Window.GetMaxWidth = fun (){
i = 0;
width = 0;
while (Window.GetWidth(i)){
width = Math.Max(width, Window.GetWidth(i));
return width;
Window.GetMaxHeight = fun (){
i = 0;
height = 0;
while (Window.GetHeight(i)){
height = Math.Max(height, Window.GetHeight(i));
return height;
anim.imagecount = 100;
anim.target_width = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth();
anim.target_height = 0.2* 0.46 * Window.GetWidth();
fun RotatedImage (index){
index = Math.Int(index);
if (!RotatedImageCache[index])
RotatedImageCache[index] = anim.original_image.Rotate((Math.Pi*2*index)/anim.imagecount).Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_height);
return RotatedImageCache[index];
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "suspend" || Plymouth.GetMode() == "resume") {
background.original_image = ImageNew("suspend.png");
Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(1, 0, 0);
Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0, 1, 0);
else {
logo.original_image = ImageNew("logo.png");
background.original_image = ImageNew("background.png");
Window.SetBackgroundTopColor(0.234, 0.43, 0.705);
Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor(0.16, 0.25, 0.44);
anim.image= ImageNew("animation.png");
anim.original_image= anim.image.Scale(anim.target_width, anim.target_width);
anim.sprite = SpriteNew();
anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (0));
anim.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() - RotatedImage(0).GetWidth()) / 2);
anim.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37);
anim.angle = 0;
anim.index = 0;
#change reduction size to make logo bigger
ratio = logo.original_image.GetWidth() / logo.original_image.GetHeight();
reduction = 0.4;
logo.image = logo.original_image.Scale(reduction * Window.GetMaxWidth() , reduction / ratio * Window.GetMaxWidth());
logo.sprite = SpriteNew();
logo.opacity_angle = 0;
#change logo location
logo.sprite.SetX((Window.GetX() + Window.GetMaxWidth() - logo.image.GetWidth()) / 2);
logo.sprite.SetY(Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.37);
#background image attributs x,z,y
background.image = background.original_image.Scale(Window.GetMaxWidth() , Window.GetMaxHeight());
background.sprite = SpriteNew();
background.sprite.SetPosition(Window.GetX(), Window.GetY(), -10);
sprite_prompt = SpriteNew();
fun refresh_callback ()
if (status == "normal")
#anim.index=speed of rotation
anim.index += 1;
anim.index %= anim.imagecount;
anim.sprite.SetImage(RotatedImage (anim.index));
#anim.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
if (Plymouth.GetMode() != "suspend" && Plymouth.GetMode() != "resume") {
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);
#----------------------------------------- Dialog --------------------------------
status = "normal";
fun dialog_setup()
box.image = ImageNew("box.png");
lock.image = ImageNew("lock.png");
entry.image = ImageNew("entry.png");
box.sprite = SpriteNew();
box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - box.image.GetWidth()/2;
box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() / 2 - box.image.GetHeight()/2;
box.z = 10000;
box.sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y, box.z);
lock.sprite = SpriteNew();
lock.x = box.x + box.image.GetWidth()/2 - (lock.image.GetWidth() + entry.image.GetWidth()) / 2;
lock.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - lock.image.GetHeight()/2;
lock.z = box.z + 1;
lock.sprite.SetPosition(lock.x, lock.y, lock.z);
entry.sprite = SpriteNew();
entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth();
entry.y = box.y + box.image.GetHeight()/2 - entry.image.GetHeight()/2;
entry.z = box.z + 1;
entry.sprite.SetPosition(entry.x, entry.y, entry.z);
prompt_sprite = SpriteNew();
prompt_sprite.SetPosition(box.x, box.y - 20, box.z);
global.dialog.box = box;
global.dialog.lock = lock;
global.dialog.entry = entry;
global.dialog.bullet_image = ImageNew("bullet.png");
global.dialog.prompt_sprite = prompt_sprite;
dialog_opacity (1);
fun dialog_opacity(opacity)
for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index]; index++)
fun display_normal_callback ()
global.status = "normal";
if (global.dialog)
dialog_opacity (0);
fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets)
global.status = "password";
if (!global.dialog)
dialog.prompt_sprite.SetImage(Image.Text(prompt, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
for (index = 0; dialog.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++)
if (!dialog.bullet[index])
dialog.bullet[index].sprite = SpriteNew();
dialog.bullet[index].x = dialog.entry.x + index * dialog.bullet_image.GetWidth();
dialog.bullet[index].y = dialog.entry.y + dialog.entry.image.GetHeight() / 2 - dialog.bullet_image.GetHeight() / 2;
dialog.bullet[index].z = dialog.entry.z + 1;
dialog.bullet[index].sprite.SetPosition(dialog.bullet[index].x, dialog.bullet[index].y, dialog.bullet[index].z);
if (index < bullets)
fun display_message_callback (prompt)
prompt = Image.Text(prompt,1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
sprite_prompt.SetPosition(Window.GetX() + (Window.GetWidth() - prompt.GetWidth()) / 2, Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.93, 2);
/* instantiate dialog at startup, to ensure all icons are loaded in memory before initrd is unmounted, in case /usr isn't mounted yet */
dialog_setup(); dialog_opacity(0);
#----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------
progress_box.image = Image("progress_box.png");
progress_box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image);
progress_box.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth() / 2;
progress_box.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2;
progress_box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_box.x, progress_box.y, 0);
progress_bar.original_image = Image("progress_bar.png");
progress_bar.sprite = Sprite();
progress_bar.x = Window.GetX() + Window.GetWidth() / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth() / 2;
progress_bar.y = Window.GetY() + Window.GetHeight() * 0.65 - progress_box.image.GetHeight() / 2 + (progress_box.image.GetHeight() - progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight()) / 2;
progress_bar.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar.x, progress_bar.y, 1);
fun progress_callback (duration, progress)
if (progress_bar.image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress))
progress_bar.image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image) * progress * 3, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight());
progress_bar.sprite.SetImage (progress_bar.image);
#----------------------------------------- Status Update --------------------------------
# width of one character
# height of one character
msg_color = [0.5,0.5,0.5]; # msg_color is array
fun update_status_callback(sta) {
if (sta == "failed") msg_color = [1,0,0];
if (sta == "warning") msg_color = [0.8,0.8,0];
if (sta == "normal") msg_color = [0.5,0.5,0.5];
fun StringLength(string) {
index = 0;
str = String(string);
while(str.CharAt(index)) index++;
return index;
// Initialising text images and their positions
// 20 is the height (including line spacing) of each line
for (i=0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) {
lines[i]= Image.Text("",0,0,0);
message_sprite[i] = Sprite();
message_sprite[i].SetX (Window.GetX() + (screen_width / 2 ) - (LINE_WIDTH * CHAR_WIDTH / 2));
message_sprite[i].SetY (Window.GetY() + (screen_height / 2) + (logo_height /2) +(logo_height * 1.2)+ (i * CHAR_HEIGHT * 2) );
message_sprite[i].SetZ (10000);
pretext = String("");
fun scroll_message_callback(text) {
nobreak = 0;
if (text.CharAt(0) == ">") { # "no linebreak" flag, like "-n"
text = text.SubString(1, StringLength(text)); # remove ">" at front
nobreak = 1;
if (pretext == "") {
if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text;
// Truncate the message if too long
if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH) {
text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 3);
text += "...";
// Shift messages one up
for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES - 1; i++) {
lines[i] = lines[i+1];
else { # the previous message was flagged to have no linebreak
// Truncate the message if too long
if (StringLength(text) > LINE_WIDTH - 5) { # leave min. 5 for pretext
text = text.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - 8);
text += "...";
# Truncate the previous message if too long
if (StringLength(pretext) > (LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text))) {
pretext = pretext.SubString(0, LINE_WIDTH - StringLength(text) - 3);
pretext += "...";
text = pretext + text;
if (nobreak == 1) pretext = text;
else pretext = "";
// Create the image for the latest message
# original script had "lines[i]"
lines[i] = Image.Text( text, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
// Re-allocate the text images to sprites
for (i = 0; i < NUM_SCROLL_LINES; i++) {
# messages get added to updates
#----------------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------
fun quit_callback ()
anim.sprite.SetOpacity (0);
if (Plymouth.GetMode() == "shutdown") {
OK so I have provided almost all the info needed, if anyone is familiar with this let me know what I am missing to get the boot messages through to Plymouth. Thanks
OK so I've been working on this problem for 4 days straight now, and I almost nailed it completely. So far I was able to get Plymouth to boot with messages displayed, but unfortunately the messages are truncated. Right now am trying to tweak the scripts but i don't know where the problem is in the /lib/lsb/init-functions script or the /lib/plymouth/themes/"theme-name"/mdv.script.
Here is my work so far.
first you have to make init-functions send messages to Plymouth by making it look like this (go through each line to see the differences and copy the line which corresponds to Plymouth sending):
Now after you've added that to the init-functions you have to edit your Plymouth theme mdv.script
This is my latest updated version of the script:
Basically the script can be applied to any theme, all you have to do is provide the filenames of the images in the folder. And changing a few other lines to adjust the images on the screen. Or what you do is you copy the necessary part like the lets say you want the progress part so all you have to do is copy everything from
----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------
----------------------------------------- Status Update --------------------------------
After you are done with editing the mdv.script be sure to
sudo update-initramfs -u
and on your next boot you shall see your new splash.Be sure to check out the links provided in my question they are very informative and will get you to understand plymouth scripting in no time.
Now if you have done everything i said here you boot splash should display scrolling messages. Now about the truncating part, I am currently working on it, but its kinda annoying to have to reboot my machine everytime i make some change. Is it possible to test a boot process while am logged in like
Another way you can test Plymouth is by copying the above command into a text file and adding
sudo plymouth update --status="your message"
to have more messages scroll through. Then make the file executable and run in terminal.Hope this helps anyone else wanting to edit their Plymouth splash. Good Luck!!!
i know it is an old thread, but i think i know the answer about text truncation or not. In my themename.script (not the themename.plymouth file) i use two variables.
with these variables i can set how many lines will be displayed and how long are the lines which will be displayed. The script also has a function wich truncates the lines if they are to long to display.
I hope this will be helpful for someone.
My issue in opensuse 42.1 Leap is. plymouth don't show up boot messages, like they are written to /var/log/boot.log. It shows the systemd calls for services.
I also edited /lib/lsb/init-functions in this way
or that
Nothing worked for me. Does anybody have an idea?
Here ist the themename.script i use